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About Tomorrow...

It's not that I blog everyday. This happens when many conditions are satisfied... When I have a lot going on in my head, plus, there should be good enough wifi (this means I should be either in the college or in the office)(my home wifi is the worst found on the surface of earth. I am posting it now coz I am in the office waiting to for 6.30 to happen, diwali celebrations, also waiting for the event managers to turn up (I know, they are supposed to be punctual aren't they) and then Baps have to drop me to college. This unusual custom is coz celebrations go onto the night (not exactly, it's just till 8, but its very very late in my grandmas terms), that means if I take the car I will have to come back alone, So at last we reached a common ground that Baps will drop me and pick me up :)

And another thing about today is Nov 1 or Kerala Piravi (the state of Kerala came into being today). Baps puts on the news every day night and yesterday I heard on passing that the chief minister is gonna declare the state to be completely anti- defecation free. WOW. right. I don't get it, how can they declare that every household would have a toilet, when all those never attended tribal people are not even taken into consideration. And chuck that, how about another major public defecation dilemma, the India Railways. When all the countries have reached the 21st century, ours haven't really seen light. The toilets of the train are still open and the drains are simply flowing to the tracks. The most usual view in a bustling station like Alwaye is the staff throwing white powder on the tracks. I have been seeing this all through my childhood, and it still continues. I don't know how the prime minister of the country can speak about swach bharat, when the most usual and crucial part of any Indian scene is not repaired. I don't wanna get arrested as this is just a few worries of every middle class person.

Oh my God, I have been blabbering right, and moving out of subject. So what is special about tomorrow, breaking the news ....  Tomorrow is my engagement. No big deal for me since I will be sitting in the class trying not to sleep. Because over here, in this part of Kerala (I say this coz I don't know how it happens in other places) family elders sit and fix the marriage.  And most irritating part only men do that. Hmm... I always questioned this in my mind, I didn't dare put this on the table with my family, coz I wanted to leave at least some point at rest. Well, its kinda the common knowledge that I question every single aspect of a patriarchal society. Let's begin from the beginning.,,, how it happens,,,, A group of men goes to the grooms house and fixes the marriage date (this can happen in the brides place also). In this particular case, it's the groom's place and its 25 men from this family, I know I know, I stood there with my mouth hanging open. They go and chit chat and fix the date and also boast up a lot about each side of the family(this is what some of my spies tell me). I don't know I haven't been there. 

I couldn't post this yesterday, it just got saved coz the power went due to the lightning. So today is the tomorrow I was referring to. Its a bad thing that I could not post it, but it has its plus, I get to write a few stuff about today.So, as I wrote earlier, there was a tempo full of people, of whom, some I don't know at all, some I can't bear to stand in the same room with, some who doesn't care if I am alive or dead. Yeah, all these people went for my engagement and here I am sitting and writing this blog post. Its not that I, personally wanna go for MY engagement, I prefer sitting here and imagining my poor would- be husband bombarded by my relatives. He has no clue what he has put himself up to (yeah I have that smile after I set up a trap). 

I am just concerned that we are moving behind in time, going on and on with the same traditions that link to patriarchy. We still stand in that era where women should stay in the kitchen and cook and men decide on their lives. Hmmmm.... When you read this, you might think why didn't my baps do anything different. Well, my dad is modern at most of the times, except when it comes to his relatives, yeah he kinda goes back to his childhood, to the 70s. Maybe he just gets carried away. Like today, when I went outside and was whispering something to my brother that's when he asked me to go inside(well, anybody might think I wasn't decent to stand outside, No I was wearing my uniform kurthis and there was a scarf around my head, for those who care) (and yeah he said that in the most authoritative form), I don't blame him, everywhere I have gone, from childhood till now, men had to be in power, ... Dude ... I am not questioning them or rebelling. I just wanted to stand there when the engagement party left (reminder: its my engagement). Any person reading this would think I was angry by this, No I was not, I was feeling sympathetic towards myself and all those girls who have been here. I walked into the bedroom and plugged in the headphones and heard Sanam Puri's Gulabi Ankhen. 


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