Hello blog readers! Greetings from Delhi. Taking over from Zainab for this blog post, I am proud to bring you an expose ooooooon....! 7 THINGS WE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT FATHIMATHU ZAINABUUU!!! 1. She loves grophers. You'd think a shopping outlet of Reliance fresh half a kilometre away would suffice for the emergency purpose of Tropicana orange juice. But no. It is not as satisfying unless you place an order with grophers to have it delivered to your doorstep two days after placing the order. 2. She's got a thing of artefacts of ye old, regardless of how pointless they are. Ever since we've got here, it's been red fort this or taj mahal there . Alright, they may not be as pointless as I think they are (yes, they are symbols of our magnificent culture and history la-de-da)but let's be honest. We all know that the best we tend to make of these trips is an infinite collection of future whatsapp and fb dps, meant to be poignantly and strategically upload...
Rantings of an unladylike lady