Actually its not a revelation or anything, I just realized it recently. I always had this confusion and doubt as to this one question. It kept nagging me from the back of my head. Why do women change their ideas, perspectives or goals after marriage? A spec of the moment changes these people- from a career oriented person to the best house wife (oh, sorry lemme sugarcoat it, home maker), or from a cheery bubbly girl into the silent versions, etc. They reevaluate their entire perspectives, and they present it to you as though they were for that side -from forever, Dude, You just shifted sides yesterday? What is happening? Different answers swirled through my head at different points in time. The answers - fell in love, love for children, responsibilities, and the list goes on. I saw this happen with my friends, aunts, neighbors, even stories I heard about my own mother bore witness to this fact. How does things change so much? It's not that I thought it was wrong, its just t...
Rantings of an unladylike lady